Beautiful Voice To Match A Beautiful Heart

Created by Kendra Masonchuck 11 years ago
I went to Mount Royal with Ashley and got to hear her sing on numerous occasions during our time in school together. We ended up being in the same Kiwanis Festival class one time and I found out she was singing the same song as me. Though I can't recall the song now, I remember panicking about it, knowing how good she was. When she got up to sing, no surprise to me, it was flawless and beautiful. Afterwards, she came up to me to tell me how amazing I'd done on my performance when she clearly did the better job. She was so humble and kind about it. I could tell she meant every word she said. She didn't need to be so nice, she didn't have to find me afterwards and tell me, but she did. Though I didn't know her very well beyond school, it seems she was that way with every part of her life too. Humble and kind. I'm glad our paths crossed even though it was only briefly in school.