mirellaferraripe 21st October 2012

Ashley was the kind of person who did not need to say much, in order to be a light and example unto others. The beauty and purity of her soul could be seen through her eyes and through her smile. Her incredible talent amazed me every time I heard her singing or playing the piano, and her testimony of the Saviour warmed my heart every time she shared it, through words or deeds. I know in my heart that she is a very special and sweet spirit daughter of Heavenly Father, and that she was taken early from this life because she was ready to meet Him. Now she is in a holier sphere, where the Lord needs her and has important work for her to do. She was a great example on this side of the veil, and I am sure she continues to do so on the other side as well. To her family - may the Lord's peace comfort your hearts at this time, and remember that she will be yours forever. Her beautiful and kind example will be remembered.